An Edible Portland Garden
I’m trying some new things to improve my early spring garden this year.

Community garden at Rocky Pointe Marina. Photo Credit: Peggy Kreman
Early Spring Garden
Overall I’m happy with my edibles garden experience but I miss out on the early spring garden because I don’t get my plants into the ground soon enough. My landscape design work is seasonal and by February I’m so busy it’s too late for me to get organized for my personal garden. I’ve been vague about planting start dates. Is it still too cold? What is the last frost date? This year instead of wondering about it, I’m using the Portland Nursery calendar to get out of vague and into organized.
Buying veggie starts
I called my favorite place to buy starts so I’ll know when I can purchase. Turns out they use the same calendar and will have my starts for mustard greens, kale, collards and more by March. My grandmother was very thrifty and every penny counted. Her huge vegetable garden was one of the ways she contributed to her family income. I’m playing. The amount of greens I go through in my kitchen is significant but would not break the bank if I bought them.

My garden supplies me with year round greens like kale.
I buy 80 percent of my plants as starts in 4 and 6 packs. I don’t have room in my house for setting up seeds and starts provide instant gratification and cover my soil quickly. My neighbor Betty grows a lot of interesting plants from seed for fun. I often benefit. I grow spring greens from seed in my tabletop salad garden and I can start seeds for my favorite smoothie green, arugula in late February. If it’s too cold I’m out the cost of seeds. I sow spring greens seeds every two or three weeks until mid June. I will purchase veggie starts for my summer garden and plant them in May and do starts again in late summer for my fall garden.
Soil Test
I’m doing a soil test this year which I’ve not done before. My root vegetables don’t do well and I’m curious about lead. I understand that adding certain nutrients can help lock up some of the lead in the soil. I hope to dig out one of my beds, lay down a weed barrier and a metal grid. Why? One reason is to keep the ground soil which probably does have some lead in it (the garden is below Hwy 30), separate from my nice new clean soil, and the 2nd is to keep the gopher or mole from bringing that soil up into my garden and keep them from moving the soil around and messing up the roots of my plants!! It’s a lot of physical work so I’m only going to do one bed, probably with help this year.
That’s my plan, we will see what happens!

Carol’s husband harvesting tomatoes.
My favorite place for vegetable starts is City Farm on N. Lombard. They grow their veggie starts in a nearby greenhouse. New Seasons often has great veggie starts. Cornell Farms is serious about their veggie starts so you can expect a good selection. Portland Nursery, Garden Fever, Livingstone……..lots of choices for every part of town.