Archive for studio placement

Transforming Outdoor Living Space Dreams Into Reality: Part Two

New Backyard Combines Function & Beauty in NE Portland

Weigela shrubs were incorporated into this NE Portland dream outdoor living space design.

The weigela shrubs were mature and covered the fence on the south side beautifully and these plants will stay in the new garden. Here is a close up of the flower cluster on a May day.

The custom design process of my NE Portland clients’ backyard checked off a lot of their wish list. I was also able to incorporate existing plantings into the new design. Let’s look at a few details of the transformation process and see how their outdoor living dream became a reality.

  1. Studio Space: My thinking through the use of the property and how my clients would walk to the studio was one big factor on final placement.  Setting the 12′ x 16′ studio on an angle softened the view of the structure and allowed for better use of the small yard.  We also needed a larger than typical patio without sacrificing planting areas and again the angle worked to our benefit giving us more room for the patio.  It also gave us a small very private corner garden room, with (lots of ferns) and the existing Mountain Ash tree remains in this corner.  I could imagine curious grandkids playing back there away from the grown-ups.

    Perennial Hellebore was used in the dream outdoor living space backyard design in NE Portland.

    Hellebore is a perennial that flowers in early spring. This one was still in flower late May.

  2. Curved Pathways and Dog-Friendly Zones: We designed gentle, curved pathways that connect all sitting areas and create a sense of exploration.  There are shady areas for their dog to explore or snooze in.
  3. They chose a prefabricated shed from Better Built Barns out of Salem, customizing it to become their creative studio. Choosing the pre fabricated shed saved quite a bit of money over a custom.
  4. Outdoor Cooking Area: Its amazing how tricky placing the BBQ can be.  We tried many different locations but ultimately convenience of use won out with the location near the door to the backyard.  There were many location options for the pizza oven.
  5. Privacy and Views: To address privacy concerns and improve views, we carefully planned the placement of a small berm to place a tree. The added height of the berm creates privacy from south side neighbors more quickly.
  6. Removing Laurel Hedge: Our clients gave up the old laurel hedge because it was taking so much square footage.  This change opened up a significant amount of space to add more lush plantings.  The lush plantings help balance the large faux flagstone patio paver area and second seating area.
  7. Water Management: Donna Burdick of D & J Landscape Contractors created a simple irrigation system designed for low water as part of the overall landscape installation.
  8. Faux Flagstone Patio:  We needed a larger than typical primary dining patio and to keep it looking natural my clients chose flagstone.  Donna Burdick and I looked at the possibility of using Mega-Arbel which is actually a concrete paver which loosely quotes the visual look of flagstone, (from Belgard which we have used in the past).  The color range and the ease of installation sold us all and this is the paver we used-Belgard Mega-Arbel flagstone pavers.

The Transformation Process

I introduced my clients to one of my top landscape contractors, Donna Burdick of D & J Landscape Contractors.  My clients connected with Donna and we embarked on a journey to bring our vision to life.

Construction of hardscape is pictured for the NE Portland backyard. Including a fall crape myrtle.

Photo credit: Donna Burdick, D & J Landscape Contractors. Crape myrtle showing off fall colors, crushed rock paths laid and the flagstone pavers were installed for the patio next to the house. Nothing else would happen until the studio was built.

The project kicked off with the installation of the landscape layout (paths and base for the paver patio) and the foundation slab for the studio where a few last minute nudges were made to the studio location. Once the slab-on-grade foundation was poured, the studio was installed, painted, and finalized. Donna Burdick’s team then returned to bring the planting plan to life and finish all the details.

Outdoor Living Space

California Lilac flowering in May – love that blue.

A New Lifestyle Unveiled

On a sunny April day, I came by to visit. The transformation was nothing short of spectacular. Amy was entertaining a guest in the studio, and told me how the studio was used daily and was an integral part of their daily life. The backyard was now a happy blend of function and beauty, perfectly suited to their needs.

Get Inspired

If you’re dreaming of a great backyard, one that fits all your wishes check us out. At Landscape Design In A Day, we’re passionate about turning dreams into tangible functional realities. Whether you need a dream backyard makeover, or a full property transformation, we’re here to help you get it just right.

Your dreams can also become a reality, whether large or small, when sitting down to work with me and create a beautiful outdoor living space.

Landscaping for Portland Back Yard Office Shed : Part 2 of 3

Back Yard Office Shed And Dream Landscape – Have Both!

Siting for Portland back yard office shed and dream landscape.

Before back yard home office

Recently Stacy in NE Portland worked with Landscape Design in a Day  to add a 12′ x 10′ Tough Shed for her back yard home office studio. Stacy wanted her dream landscape with lots of outdoor entertaining space and a back yard home office for her very small back yard in NE Portland.

She had already ordered a 12′ x 10′ shed, (Tough Shed) to use as her office.  Our job was to figure out the best placement to be easily accessible for her ‘daily commute’ to work and also fit perfectly into her dream back yard.

Think Like a Designer – What Do You Need to Know to Put an Office or Studio in Your Portland Back Yard?

First we looked at the City of Portland’s rules and regulations and determined we could install the shed (under 200 square feet) without a zoning or building permit.

 Here’s a link to the page I often use.  A homeowner in the city of Portland can also schedule a 15 minute consultation with a zoning expert to be sure their area is eligible to build a shed without a zoning permit or building permit.  My advice is to be sure your plans are not a problem for your neighbor because if they complain to the city it can greatly complicate matters even if you are following the rules. 

Determine Where to Put the Office

NE Portland tough shed home office prior to landscaping.

Back yard home office in NE Portland is installed and awaits the dream landscape installation.

I considered Stacy’s outdoor living needs and ideas and agreed our best place was in the NE corner of her back yard.  Part of making that decision was based on the location of other aspects of her dream back yard to include a magnificent and huge Japanese maple.  See Part 1 Blog about Stacy’s patio and back porch design. I referred Stacy to a certified arborist for advice on the best installation technique for the foundation of the office and of course paths.

NE Portland landscaping plans concept 1.

Placing the Studio Concept 1 has grass for the dogs but no useable path through to the studio or driveway.

Placing an office in the back yard of  such a small city lot was more of a process of elimination.  In a larger property we have more possibilities to explore. We needed a path across from the back porch to the driveway and garage, and also from that same spot a path to the patio and to the office door.    Another influence was creating a small lawn area for  her two dogs.  In the end we had to put the back wall of the office right on the driveway line in order to make all the spaces work together.

Transportation – The Path to the Outdoor Office

Obvious paths such as from the driveway and parking area into the house are always first.  In this design we let go of having a person door out the side of the garage because it would spoil the functional patio space.

Designers think about how both people and pets come and go from the house and of course making daily access to the office convenient is a big art of this initial study.

Doors are very important – Where to put the door to the office?

I tried two locations for the door.  One had the primary access coming from the back porch and to a door facing into the back yard which limited planting space but was the most obvious location.

Or we could access the office from the public sidewalk and go out the front door  of the house for the daily work commute.  This had the advantage of plantings across the back of the studio making more of a garden plantings view from the patio and the house. But it felt too public to Stacy and she already knew she wanted to come and go from the back porch which is the part of the house she spends the most time in.  (See concept 2).

The solution that made all the transportation needs work was to set pavers into the grass for the primary path to the home office and the driveway.   

Protect Your Shade Trees when installing a Back Yard Home Office

NE Portland residential landscape plan concept 2.

Concept 2 has a different grass shape and path location.

NE Portland back yard prior to landscaping installation.Arborist to Advise on Best Installation Technique

I referred her to Issac at Honl Tree Care for an arborist site visit .  He helped her by showing her how to work with the installation technique for the foundation of the office to protect the tree roots and also gave her general care instructions to include how much and when to water her very special shade tree.  

After seven concept drawings, Stacy and I arrived at our preferred landscape layout with a patio sized and shaped to fit both lounging and dining, some grass for the dogs with a useful flagstone path through it and the back yard home office.   With the right placement and professional advice, Stacy was able to include her new office shed and create her dream back yard.

Client Testimonial

“Carol did a fantastic job designing our very difficult back yard space and worked in just about all our asks.  She was easy to work with, and I greatly enjoyed the format and how she got to know my preferences for this or that.  I’ll be asking her to do a plan for my front yard once the back is done!”

Contact Us

If you have a tricky outdoor living design project in your Portland area back yard and would like to discuss it with us, please contact us for a phone appointment.  We look forward to hearing from you!